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A Content Marketing Model that Works

I first came across the “Hero, Hub, Hygiene” content model several years ago at a conference where Mark Schaefer presented the concept. I was teaching a course in Content Marketing Strategy and thought it would be a valuable tool to bring to the class. It was still the “early days” for content marketing as a…

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Social Media for Events

As a professional event planner for over 10 years, I’ve had a lot of opportunity to see the rise of social media, and specifically its effects on the world of events. Attendees shoot images, share comments and connect with each other faster than ever, and this creates an opportunity that can be harnessed to an event’s benefit. So, how does one effectively market events using social media?…

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Twitter Tips

Five Tips for Tweeting If you feel like your tweets are always being overlooked and you’re not seeing any retweet action, try these tips to make your posts more noticeable and shareable. 1. Be succinct Remember that the shorter the tweet is, the more likely it is to be retweeted. This is because when someone…

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