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Twitter Phishing and MMF

Mass Marketing Fraud, and What Needs to Be Done About It Last night I was surprised to receive a note in my email inbox notifying me of a direct message (DM) from Twitter.  The message was from a high-profile businessperson that I follow; a CEO of an industry association.  The message read “Hi someone is…

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Why Were the Polls Wrong?

Insights on the Alberta 2012 Election The poll slippage in last night’s election was certainly extraordinary, and all the pollsters on the evening newscasts were saying how surprised they were. There are several common reasons why polls are “off”. The pollsters are going to have to (and they will) do their own research and then…

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Going Viral

Sustainability and the Art of Going Viral: a passing fad or the real thing? In an early April e-mail from my brother in Geneva I got excited about social media and its power to animate the hearts and minds of younger generations. Can a viral campaign raise awareness, understanding or support when it ‘goes viral’…

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Twiends Seeding Results

Assuming you checked out my blog 3 days ago, you’re aware that I ran a little test with an online tool called twiends.com which is a “seeding” method used to get people to follow your account on Twitter. As soon as I bought and released my “seeds” the followers shot up to 405 from about…

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Buying Twitter Followers

Do numbers really matter all THAT much? It seems like people judge you immediately by how many followers you have on Twitter – and that some numbers just don’t make sense.  Recently I came across a site with a total of 20 tweets, and it had about 7000+followers.  The tweeter certainly wasn’t a celebrity.  Clearly,…

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What is an Entrepreneur?

Funny Insights on Entrepreneurship…you have my empathy! A friend was admiring my great skill and courage in founding and running my own business, and so I mused to myself at how often outsiders see entrepreneurs as great role models and even pinnacles of leadership.

  If you run a small business, you may chuckle at such…

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