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Promotional Mix

What is a Promotional Mix? In business theory, you have probably heard of the “4 P’s” of marketing: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Promotion means “Promotional Mix” and it determines what actions you will need to take to reach your target customers and get your offerings into the market. Or, put plainly, it’s also about…

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As Google gets better, SEO matters less

I had an interesting training session with Jeremy Kitson of Pixel Science the other day.  Since I’ve been handling a lot of Tenato’s content development, I decided I should not only read online and offline sources on SEO (which stands for “search engine optimization” – activities to help a site rank higher in search engines)…

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Marketers Who Don’t Market

  Do the World’s Biggest Marketers Actually Avoid Marketing? Call it my crystal ball prediction, but I think the world of advertising is in for a major shift… if today’s Mirren conference discussion is any indication. A bunch of the world’s top advertising agency CEO’s were on a panel, imparting their knowledge to other advertising…

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