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SEO Beautifully Explained

Click:  The Beauty of Explaining Something Complex in a Simple Fashion “Do or do not. There is not try,” Yoda, my hero of wisdom once said.  It’s not often you come across someone with wisdom on a subject that is so new, you can’t even get a diploma in it.   This is why I…

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Buying Twitter Followers

Do numbers really matter all THAT much? It seems like people judge you immediately by how many followers you have on Twitter – and that some numbers just don’t make sense.  Recently I came across a site with a total of 20 tweets, and it had about 7000+followers.  The tweeter certainly wasn’t a celebrity.  Clearly,…

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How to Rank on Google

Are you tired of seeing your competitors hit #1 on Google, while your website languishes on page 2, 3 or nowhere at all?   Or, are you paying for pay-per-click advertising to compensate for this, yet getting none of the desirable traffic you need? Good news:  Google isn’t random, nor has it been paid off by…

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