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Tips to Market in an Economic Recession

Too often, when businesses are facing difficult times the first thing they do is cut from advertising and marketing spending. Studies have shown that in previous recessions the businesses that continue to invest, not only grow through recessions but capitalize on the eventual recovery….

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Using Financing as a Marketing Tool

The price of your offering answers the question of “How much?” but the terms of the price answer the question of “When will I have to pay it?” This second aspect can be every bit as critical as the first. Financing to Entice Purchases Adjusting the payment terms of your pricing can be a brilliant…

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How to Raise Prices

If you are considering raising your prices, then the question quickly becomes, how? How do you raise your overall prices without losing customers, or making them upset or angry? Many businesses put off price increases for so long, they can never get them to a profitable level, damaging their ability to remain viable. Raising prices can…

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The Forecast on Weather Marketing

With new data, technology, and tools, today we are able to leverage weather indications with much more accuracy. For example, when spring temperatures hit 21°C, hair removal products spiked 1400% as bare legs hit the streets. At the same temperature, BBQ sales rise 200% (CBC Radio, 2015). Conversely, although rain can kill BBQ sales, lawn…

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Through the Eyes of a Tourist

If you’re a destination trying to attract tourists, sometimes it can be hard to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses objectively. Rare are those times when you can sneak a peek through the eyes of a tourist… and when the moment sneaks up, it’s best to grab it fast, because these are people on the move. I…

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